The 4th International Symposium on ICF Education, with the theme "ICF: Measurement for better participation" will be held on 6-7 April 2019 in Kuwait City.
The aim is to bring together people from around the world who are teaching about or using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) in health statistics and administration, clinical practice and education such as in interprofessional education, research and product development.
Collaboration and participation from all stakeholders are important. All participants are expected to share their experiences (whether they present an abstract or not) and learn from each other. Participation is required! Accepted presentations will be posted on the www.ICFEducation.org website.
Symposium topics
1. ICF-related tools to evaluate functioning
The relationship between the ICF and assessment with tools such as surveys, standardised measures, profession specific tests and self-reports, for example is often a source of questions from new comers to ICF. Abstracts illustrating the teaching methods to respond to these questions are welcome.
2. Educating on ICF
Now that the ICF is nearing 20 years of age there have been many examples of introducing the ICF to health professionals and student health professionals. Examples of curricula and methods of teaching ICF are encouraged. Also examples of education for other audiences, such as health policy makers and administrators, statisticians, and people with disabilities, carers and disabled people’s organisations.
3. ICF-based evidence informing policies
Under this topic examples of how ICF based information has informed policy development and the impact of the policies on populations are encouraged.
Important dates
· Abstract submission opens: 7 December 2018
· Abstract submission deadline: 10 February 2019
· Notification of outcome: 18 February 2019
· Registration deadline: 3 March 2019 (for visa purposes). The information page in your passport should be uploaded with registration.
· Registration deadline: 25 March 2019 (for visa free countries and for those from Kuwait)