ICECI is a free practical tool for classifying the circumstances in which injuries occur. Thus, it can be used in surveillance and research to support injury and trauma prevention and control efforts throughout the world. Using this tool, one can code the key factors that may be involved in causing injuries. Consequently, injuries can be both counted and described to yield useful information for setting priorities, making policy decisions, and guiding prevention.
How is it designed?
The full ICECI is a rich and extensive system with hierarchical code sets for intent of injury, mechanism of injury, object/substance producing the injury, place of occurrence, activity when injured, alcohol use, and psychoactive drug or substance use. Information for most data elements can be classified at either a basic or expanded level. ICECI also has supplementary modules designed to capture further details related to transport, violence, place of occurrence, sports/recreation, and occupational injuries.
Is it user-friendly?
Yes-in fact, users can opt to use the tool's full capacities or choose among data elements or categories to meet their specific data needs and circumstances. Additionally, ICECI offers a comprehensive data dictionary and index. It's possible to tailor ICECI data collection tools for use in health interview surveys or in a hospital emergency department, outpatient clinic, or other medical care settings. Users in countries having either adequate or limited resources for injury prevention activities will find ICECI useful for capturing injury data. For the results of a survey on the use of the ICECI see Newsletter July 2006, p 2.
How is it related to the International Classification of Diseases (ICD)?
ICECI is a Related Classification in the WHO's Family of International Classifications. It complements Chapter XX, External Causes of Morbidity and Mortality of ICD-10. The Relationship between ICECI and ICD-10 has been adopted as a bridge between ICECI and ICD-10, making it possible to compare aggregated injury data classified according to either system.
How can I access ICECI?
ICECI is available in English, Spanish and Portugese, see column on the right. A German, French and Indonesian version are in preparation.
Who do I contact if I have questions about ICECI?
Write dr Marijke W. de Kleijn - de Vrankrijker, For more information about the latest initiatives of European authorities and Member States, governments and NGOs in view of injury prevention and safety promotion, see Alert.
update July 2010